
Groundhog's night

Hemlock Trail had four to six inches of fresh powder covering Icy patches on steep slopes.  snow shoes were a good idea. As always we leave the lights off unless we need them


Monday Night hike Green Lakes

From the parking area on route 290. We gain 200 feet of elevation within the first mile.

Then down to Round Lake. Mark leads in Silence both of us with lights off . He knows the topography and takes us from lowest to highest elevation multiple times to gain as much elevation as we can during our eight mile hike. From the southern end of Round Lake looking North in the night sky I saw vertical streaks of light. My first thought was Northern Lights. Mark said it may be ground Source light reflecting ice crystals in the atmosphere. There was continual vertical streaks coming and going without pattern. It was only in the northern sky and they were bright enough to be reflected in the Round Lake