
Endorphin and adrenaline

After climbing Whitney, I felt like I could do anything. Near the end of our hiking day, this stream Crossing was relatively easy and provided a boost as one more challenge is behind us. Less than 1 mile later we met our match. A stream that was so swollen by the days snow melt that we could not cross it safely . Our last failed attempt left us soaking wet as the sun went down. We pray for below-freezing temperatures to reduce the amount of runoff in the Stream to make the crossing easier in the morning. Another night camping on snow pack. And soaking wet boots mean solid blocks of ice to put on our feet in the morning. As soon as I wake up, I put my boots in the dry sack I use for my sleeping bag, I curl around them in the fetal position inside my sleeping bag until the ice melts enough to put them on my feet. The Crossing in the morning went much easier. the stream was still a raging torrent that nearly knocked me off my feet but the endorphins and the adrenaline make it all manageable and gives you the head of steam for the next big climb

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